Donald Trump's press secretary admitted that she struggles to balance her demanding job with motherhood:

December, 31, 2024-03:20

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Donald Trump's press secretary admitted that she struggles to balance her demanding job with motherhood:

Donald Trump's press secretary admitted that she struggles to balance her demanding job with motherhood:

The 27-year-old mom-of-one was announced as the President Elect's press secretary in November, just three months after she gave birth to her son Nicholas 'Niko' Robert. Being the youngest person to hold the title, the role will put her under tremendous scrutiny as she is set to handle televised briefings with the White House press corps, manage day-to-day interactions with the media, and appear on TV.

Karoline replied: 'Yes. I literally pray about this every day. It's very difficult but it's also all I know. 'I went back to work just days after giving birth. I have learned to multi-task and prioritize my time. 'I'm also grateful to have an amazing husband and family who help me. Couldn't do it without them. 'I remind myself this job is temporary, it's the opportunity of a lifetime, and I know one day he will be proud of his mama.' Karoline also revealed that she was 'looking forward' to heading back to the White House before lifting the lid on the kind of boss that Trump is.

'We are getting ready to move. I lived in D.C. and worked in the White House during President Trump's first time, so I know the city well, and looking forward to going back,' she wrote. Speaking about the President-Elect, she dished: 'He is the best. He is generous, a great listener and storyteller, and seriously one of the funniest people I have ever met. I am honored to work for him.'
Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has said that Karoline is an excellent choice for the role.

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